I'm back to check in with you guys...
But first, where have I been?
Usually, I try to get at least 3 articles out each week. That wasn't the case this week though.
Well, I've been working on a some videos and a site to showcase a different side of my country. The side noone hears about thanks to misconceptions and stuff.
Also, I'd rather not publisj than give you a half baked article (a lot drafts, not quite ready)
What Was Your Win This Week?
If you've been following my articles you know I've been lookkng into Eleventy. I'm glad to annouce, that I successfully made my new portfolio site with it, one that better reflects my character.
Here it is James Dante
Now I'm working on some finishing touches,but I'm really happy with it.
Your turn... What did you get up to?
Thank you for reading, let's connect!
Thank you for visiting this little corner of mine. Let's connect on Twitter, Polywork and LinkedIn